Rewards Program
Squash.com.au - Australia's #1 Squash Store
There are thousands of customers on squash.com.au who now benefit from our Squash Rewards Program!
Everyone loves to receive discounts when purchasing so here is how the Squash Rewards Program works.
Each time you purchase on squash.com.au your dollar value accumulates. Once you reach a certain level, you begin to receive discounts on everything you purchase - including specials!!
The Levels are as follows:
- Squash Rewards 500 Once you hit the $500 mark you will receive a 5% discount on all items
- Squash Rewards 1000 Once you hit the $1000 mark you will receive a 10% discount on all items
The points are valid over a rolling two year cycle so all you have to do is keep your purchasing above the $500 or $1000 to continue enjoying the relevant discounts. You will automatically be rolled into the higher discount once your purchasing reaches that point. Points are verified at the end of each month and appropriate level changes made.
The great news is, you do not need to do anything to sign up! If you have purchased with us before, you will automatically quality for your squash Rewards level when you hit $500 and will be sent a confirming email. If you have not yet purchased, your points will commence when you place your first order and when you hit the $500 level, you will qualify for the Squash Rewards $500.
If you have any questions please contact us at rewards@squash.com.au otherwise start enjoying those discounts today!
Got a Question? Suggestion? Compliment or Complaint?
Customer Service - Phone (07) 5641 0440
Monday to Friday - 9 am to 4 pm