The Game of Squash Book - improve your game

 // Coaching Aids

Squash can become very addictive but what a wonderful addiction! This book was written to help beginners as well as advanced players get more out of their game and discover new ways to win more matches. Most players strive to improve, but the lack of discipline or knowledge can hold them back. That`s why we designed this book to give you an easy resource for all things squash.

· Who can play squash?

· A basic understanding of the rules

· How to choose the best squash racket

· Advanced Tips and tricks for improving your game

· Nutrition ideas to improve your health and energy levels

· The importance of injury prevention …and a whole lot more!

If you’ve ever felt even mildly interested in playing squash, this is the resource for you. It will tell you absolutely everything you need to know, and encourage you to make squash a valuable part of your life. And for those of you who are seasoned players, here’s a positive goldmine of secrets to help you take your game to the next level.

ISBN: 9781684187683

ISBN-10: 1684187680

Audience: General

Format: Paperback

Language: English

Number Of Pages: 176

Published: 30th June 2016

Country of Publication: US

Dimensions (cm): 22.86 x 15.24  x 0.97

Weight (kg): 0.25


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